Book Blurb
While grieving for my mother I lost sight of you, my love, my life, and what we had created. You said the one word I never wanted to hear from your lips and it nearly broke me. I know now that it was your plea for me to hear you.
I heard you and I planned on fixing it, even if it took the rest of my life. We never bargained for what came next. You became a stranger to me, my own wife. Wife. The word was suddenly foreign to me. Thrust into a situation we didn’t expect, you proved to me over and over again what love was. I pray you’ll let me return the favor.
My cage is empty and waiting for you, my Blackbird. I’ll spend eternity proving that I’m never letting go of us.
Always, only, forever…

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I’m a stay-at-home mom with four young children and one extremely supportive husband. We’ve been married for ten years and reside in Metro Detroit, Michigan.
I've dreamed of writing romance novels since I was little. After having baby #4, who may or may not have been fathered by Christian Grey, I decided it was time to pursue my dreams.
When I'm not volunteering at the schools of my children, running to various appointments, enjoying time with my friends and my book club, dating my husband, or avoiding cleaning my house, I'm writing!
I love music and believe that books and music can't exist without the other. My goal is for you to read more than a good book, but for you to have an experience!
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